Welcome to SummerTime at Fayerweather!

June 8-19, 2020

SummerTime is a two-week day program for children entering PreK-5th grade. It has two extensions for those entering 6-8th grade: Jamming with Kate during week one - a music program, and Daytripping during week two - a program created specifically for those who want to explore local venues with friends in group settings, under the supervision of Fayerweather Teachers.
We’re pleased to announce that during week two this year, PreK-5 will also have the opportunity to stretch their legs and discover local venues through their own Boston Explorers itinerary!

Fayerweather is a private PreK, kindergarten, elementary and middle school. We engage each child’s intellect, imagination and social responsibility. Our students are confident, resourceful and enthusiastic learners.