For the PreK through Kindergarten, we offer a
half-day option that allows for early pick-up at 12:45. We offer an
extended-day plan which runs from 3:00 to 6:00 and includes a snack. All students may opt for our
three-day week (Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday only).
Week 2 offerings include:
PreK/K Boston Explorers Week:
1-2 Boston Explorers Week:
Monday: Little Italy/ RFK Greenway/ Chinatown
Tuesday: Swan Boats/ Carousel/ Common Park
Wednesday: Museum Day
Thursday: Franklin Park Zoo
Friday: Scavenger Hunt
3-5 Boston Explorers Week:
Monday: Little Italy/ RFK Greenway/ Chinatown
Tuesday: Little Puerto Rico/ Mapparium/ Sprinkler Park
Wednesday: Museum Day
Thursday: Franklin Park Zoo
Friday: Scavenger Hunt
Day Tripping Grades 6-8 June 15-19